Saturday 30 December 2017

The importance of holistic healing practices in the modern world

Massage, acupuncture, and meditation are some healing practices that are not within the confines of pharmaceutical and surgical treatments. They are increasingly becoming more commonly used. Today, holistic healing has become widely accepted and integrated into people’s lives, even taught in medical school and offered in mainstream clinics and hospitals. 

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This wide array of holistic healthcare options, also known as integrative therapies, is complementary to conventional care. Modern medicine is concerned with having both conventional therapies and holistic healing practices available to everyone, for the best patient outcome. 

Holistic healing practices are divided into alternative medical systems (like Chinese medicine), mind-body interventions, biologically based therapies, massage and chiropractic and energy therapies. And some are even in tune with our faith. Splankna Therapy, in particular, is the first energy psychology protocol based on the teaching of the Bible. 

While Western medicine largely focuses on disease treatment, holistic healing practices are focused on the patient’s overall health. Thus, treatment is more specialized and tailored to our individual healing needs. 

Indeed, consumers now demand the best of both worlds, and many doctors and nurse practitioners are recommending energy therapies, botanical medicines, chiropractic, and the like. This complementarity of healing practices is what modern medicine is all about.

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Splankna Therapy Institute is the only energy psychology protocol that is grounded on a Biblical worldview. It is devoted to holistic healing and honoring Jesus. For more info on the institute, go to this website.