Monday 30 October 2017

History and the greatest healer of all time

It’s common knowledge for both Christians and historians alike that in the Bible and history, Jesus Christ was known for healing. He spent a great deal of his time healing the sick. He became so well known for miraculous healing that people came from miles around to be healed. 

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The question of Christ’s existence is no longer up for debate, as every scholar agrees that he did come to walk among people. The Bible recounts that he performed many miraculous healings and even raised some people from the dead. 

Among the many points that historians agree on are Christ’s nationality and race. He was a Galilean Jew. Many are also in agreement that he was both baptized by John the Baptist and was crucified upon the order of the Roman Prefect of the region at the time, Pontius Pilate. 

Jesus taught in ways that were revolutionary. He challenged the religious establishment of his time and reinterpreted much of the Jewish understanding of holiness. He taught people that God values love over law-keeping. 

Jesus is arguably the most renown religious figure of all time and Christians all over the world still follow him today.

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Splankna Therapy Institute is the world’s first energy psychology protocol based on Biblical teachings. Learn more about the institute here.